WebBeds partners with BeCause to increase availability of eco-certified properties

WebBeds partners with BeCause to increase availability of eco-certified properties

BeCause will enable WebBeds to automatically match hotels in its database to GTSC credentials

WebBeds has announced it has partnered with sustainability technology start-up BeCause, to scale up the number of properties tagged as "eco-certified" on its booking platforms.

The partnership will see BeCause enable WebBeds to automatically match hotels in its database to those with Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GTSC) credentials, which currently recognises 49 standards.

Individual properties that meet GTSC criteria will receive an eco-friendly identifier on WebBeds' booking platforms, which travel trade partners can use to book hotel stays for the end traveller's values on sustainability.

WebBeds says it recognises the importance of global corporate responsibility and is dedicated to reducing its environmental footprint by promoting environmentally responsible sustainable travel.

Daryl Lee, CEO of WebBeds, said: “Partnering with BeCause is a key step in our ongoing journey to become a more environmentally responsible business. Our travel trade customers are becoming more conscious about the eco-credentials of the properties they recommend to the end traveller.

"Working with BeCause helps us to rapidly scale the number of eco-certified properties we provide on our platforms with the assurance that these properties have all been through a rigorous certification process administered by recognised standards authorities."

Frederik Steensgaard, CEO and co-founder of BeCause said: “Without BeCause, marketplaces like WebBeds have to manually perform sustainability checks. This process is expensive, outdated, and error-prone.

"BeCause eliminates these issues. Not only does automation help speed up and reduce costs, but with our centralised data hub, marketplaces and their users have access to real-time, trustworthy hotel information from recognised sustainability organizations like the GSTC."

He added: "With more and more travellers putting a premium on eco-friendly travel, enabling this transparency is vital to a marketplace’s business.”