Automated platform finds fares post booking
TTE 2020: RightFare claims $50 million in savings on airfares in 2019
US-based travel booking and management company RightRez has claimed its RightFare product saved customers over $50 million during the last calendar year.
RightRez provides automation and booking solutions and itinerary management tools for tour, cruise, crew and shipping markets.
One of the company’s seven travel technology products, RightFare finds lower private fares for customers on the same itinerary booked, eliminating the need for agent intervention.
In 2019, RightFare says it saved customers an average of $285 per booking. The product has reduced the cost of over 1.8 million air bookings since its creation.
Michael Von Foerster, founder and chief executive of RightRez, said: “RightRez is pleased to provide stability in this vertical. RightFare is a long-time, proven leader to deliver effective and cost-effective results.”
RightRez’s other products managed over $1.9 billion in airfares and over two million passengers last year. RightSked, which manages schedule changes, processed over 1.2 million passengers in 2019, and RightFlight, a web-based robotic booking engine, booked over 500,000 passengers.
RightRez is exhibiting at the Travel Technology Europe show in London on February 26-27 and is offering demonstrations of RightFare at booth T130.