DidaTravel’s global summer hotel bookings close to doubling pre-pandemic levels

DidaTravel’s global summer hotel bookings close to doubling pre-pandemic levels

Hotel bookings for this summer surpasses 2019 volumes by 93%

Global travel distribution company DidaTravel has revealed its global hotel bookings for the summer season (June 1 - August 31) have already surpassed 2019 levels by 93%, compared to the same period in 2019. 

The Chinese wholesaler also revealed that hotel bookings in European destinations witnessed an 123% increase in reservations year-on-year for the June, July and August arrival period. 

While hotel bookings for the same period in destinations in the APAC, Middle East and Africa and Americas have seen growth rates of 68%, 65%, and 16% respectively, contributing to the global recovery.

Reservations made for the August period through DidaTravel’s platform have soared by 214% year-on-year, indicating a strong rebound in travel demand.

This surge in bookings signals “Dida’s expansion and growth globally” as well as the recovery of the wider hotel sector, including the APAC region.

The company also announced ADR is on the rise. As a global average, the ADR has increased by 35% year-on-year for the same period (June-August), surpassing 2019 levels by 7%.

However, APAC and Americas are trailing just below 2019 levels, with ADR year-on-year increases of 55% and 14% respectively. 

Europe and the Middle East and Africa continue to show strong recovery with ADR increases of 29% and 23% respectively year-on-year, which exceeds 2019 levels.

ADR is not the only thing on the rise, advanced booking windows are also up.

APAC’s advance booking window rose to an average of 23 days, surpassing the average of 21 days in 2019.

However, for other markets whilst the booking window has increased it has still not fully returned to 2019 levels yet. 

Europe’s is 31 days, up from 24 last year but below 2019’s level of 41 days and Americas’ is 19 days, up from 12 last year but well below the 37 days of 2019. 

Finally, the Middle East and Africa’s advance booking window is now 12 days, up from eight last year but also below 2019’s level of 18.

Rikin Wu, CEO of DidaTravel, said: “As the summer season progresses, the hospitality industry across APAC and worldwide has undergone a remarkable recovery. We are excited to witness such incredible growth numbers, even compared to pre-pandemic. 

“This is testament to the success of Dida’s international expansion strategy as well as the wider rebound in both short-haul and intercontinental travel this summer.

“With the increasing confidence of travelers and the relaxation of travel restrictions in APAC we expect the positive trend in hotel bookings to continue."