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TPConnects gains Iata accreditation for airline payments gateway
TPConnects has gained Iata certification for the aviation body’s payment management standard Financial Gateway (IFG).
The firm claims to be one of the first IT providers to have acquired Iata’s accreditation.
IFG has been designed to meet the payment needs of all airline business models and sale channels.
It provides airlines with a flexible and complete payment process, ensuring the consistency and availability of different payment options through all distribution channels to reduce costs, increase conversions and provide a seamless user experience.
Aleks Popovich, senior vice president, financial and distribution services at Iata, said: “Congratulations to TPConnects for achieving IFG Solution Provider Certification. In this way, TPConnects is helping airlines to overcome the high costs and complexities of different payment systems.”
Rajendran Vellapalath, TPConnects chief executive, added: “We are proud to be industry leaders on the implementation of IATA Financial Gateway (IFG) to our software solutions for airlines and travel agents to retail travel.
“With the Integration of IFG to our Iata NDC Certified offer and order management middleware for airlines and travel aggregator platform, instead of managing multiple complex connections to various payment service providers in many different countries, airlines and service providers now have the ability to offer the most convenient method of payment to their buyers”.
TPConnects said high running costs and the complexity of different payment systems make it difficult for airlines to maintain and deploy new forms of payments across their diverse distribution channels and networks.
It said: “adoption of IFG as a single universal payment platform integrated to TPConnects NDC gateway for airlines helps address these challenges by streamlining payment processes and facilitating acceptance and control of different forms of payments including reporting to the BSP and ARC for agency sales settlement or the payment gateways.
“This will also facilitate dynamic pricing and allows airlines to retail travel in a fast and efficient manner.”