British and Spanish travellers are making the most bookings, according to Majorca-based tech firm
Christmas travel rates up despite slump in bookings, TravelgateX data reveals
Spanish and British travellers are making the most bookings for this Christmas which has seen average stay lengths and room night revenue increase despite a collapse in volumes.
The trends have been see booking data in Majorca-based distribution technology firm TravelgateX’s Insights-X tool.
Overall reservation volumes for the Christmas period are down by as much as 85% for the period December 21 to January 3.
Couples and groups are the sectors seeing the largest volume of bookings, on 51% and 27% respectively, and domestic trips are dominating.
TravelGateX’s data shows Average Daily Rate (ADR), the price per night per room, stands at €165.3, 18.9% more than the same period in 2019.
And the average length of stay is also up to 4.72 nights, on average 1.23 more nights compared to 2019.
The data was broken down into the regions of Spain for which overall volumes are down between 70% and 80%:
Canary Islands:
Average stay: 6.3 nights (+0.6 nights compared to last year)
ADR: €171.6 (4.5% more than the previous year)
Average stay: 6.5 nights (+2 nights)
ADR: €111.1 (+ 13.4.7%)
Average Stay: 4.01 nights (+1.21)
ADR. € 136.82 (+ 26.8%)
TravelGateX said 55% of reservations for the period remain valid although it will not be clear until the date of travel whether they will go ahead due to changing COVID restrictions.
Overall the ADR is €137, 9.5% more than in 2019 and the average stay for the Christmas period is 6.56 nights, 2.46 more than in 2019.
The destinations with the highest volume of reservations logged by TravelgateX were:
United States
46% of reservations remain active
The average stay: 4.5 nights (+1.43)
ADR: 184.25 (-4.6%).
55% of reservations are active
Average stay: 6.56 nights (+2.46)
ADR: €137.2 (+ 9.5%).
The nationalities that have made the most reservations for Christmas were:
Average stay: 6.56 nights
ADR: € 167 (+ 9.3%)
Couples accounted for 62% of reservations and groups 16%
Spain was the most popular destination ahead of the US and Portugal
Average stay: 4.74 nights
ADR: €163.86 (+17.4%)
Bookings mainly pairs and groups
Reservations mostly to Spain
Average stay: 3.57 nights
ADR: €200 (+ 7.7% )
Couples accounted for 69% of reservations and groups 18%
Reservations were mainly for destinations in the US