Scandinavian hospitality sustainability provider d2o has been announced as an affiliate member of The Sustainable Hospitality Alliance (the Alliance) to help the Alliance's members to collect data and reduce carbonisation.
d2o joining the Alliance is a move that is said to add significant value to the sector's sustainability efforts as the Alliance leads in making Net Positive Hospitality a reality.
The organisation has also been announced as the primary sponsor of the Alliance's most recent sustainable education resource, the Net Positive Hospitality Simulation, with a inancial donation to the Alliance in the coming three years.
The firm will work with the Alliance to help its members meet their decarbonisation goals using predictive and prescriptive analytics technology.
Its tool, PMI GoGreen, advances sustainability progress in the hotel industry, which aligns with the high-level goal of d2o and the Alliance's affiliation.
PMI GoGreen enables hoteliers to drastically reduce operating costs and manage their resources, ultimately helping to decarbonise the industry.
Long-term environmental goals for a hotel are incorporated within the monthly targets set, ensuring that these objectives are actionable and trackable.
This tool, therefore, supports the industry's sustainability journey and complements the Alliance's Net Positive Hospitality Simulation efforts.
Glenn Mandziuk, chief executive officer of the Sustainable Hospitality Alliance, said: "The addition of d2o to the Alliance is significant, both as an affiliate member and a sponsor.
"The affiliation and activity between our two organisations have the potential to transform the sustainability of the industry landscape substantially and positively.
"Not only do our resources work in harmony together, but they are at the forefront of our industry's sustainability journey, leading all hotels towards Net Positive Hospitality- ensuring significant progress in the immediate future."
Young Nguyen, founder and CEO of d2o, said: "It's every CEO's dream to have a product that makes every single stakeholder happy.
"We look forward to working with Glenn and his team to showcase to Alliance's members how sustainability can be integrated into daily total profit management."