Vibe brings three sister brands onto same platform and launches new websites

Vibe brings three sister brands onto same platform and launches new websites

The travel technology developer has a long-term partnership with Travel Seen, Fina A Golf Break and Forward Travel

Travel technology developer Vibe has brought three sister travel brand onto the same platform and launched new websites.

The project is part of a long-term partnership with luxury OTA Travel Seen, golf breals specialist Find A Golf Break, and travel management partner for professional sports Forward Travel (formerly Fairway Travel).

Vibe has provided Travel Seen, Find A Golf Break and Forward Travel with search and booking technology including curated hotel content hosted within its accommodation allocation system.

The three brands can combine this feed with other products such as flights, bedbanks, car rentals and other ancillaries. 

Vibe’s in-house design and implementation team have also built new websites for Travel Seen, Find A Golf Break and Forward Travel. All three websites allow each brand to showcase product tailored for their audiences. 

Simon Goddard, chief information officer at Vibe, said: “By bringing all three sister brands onto the same platform and technology we have been able to save them time, money and hassle – while also allowing them to provide their travellers with additional options and functionality that will allow them to continue to expand without any technical limitations.”  

Bill Tannahill, chief executive of Travel Seen and Forward Travel, added: “We have been really impressed with the can-do attitude and innovation at Vibe that has created a step-change for meeting the growing needs of our customers in this post-pandemic environment. 

“Thanks to their frictionless technology we are now able to focus 100% on what we do best: creating great experiences, products and customer service for all our travellers.”