Cheapflights upgrades advertiser tools

Price comparison website Cheapflights has revealed details of a major new piece of functionality that will allow advertisers to obtain real-time reporting of their campaigns. Cheapflights Partner Portal is being launched in two phases, with the first enabling travel providers to view the progress of their advertising activity and the type of interaction made by…

Price comparison website Cheapflights has revealed details of a major new piece of functionality that will allow advertisers to obtain real-time reporting of their campaigns.

Cheapflights Partner Portal is being launched in two phases, with the first enabling travel providers to view the progress of their advertising activity and the type of interaction made by the user, such as a referral to a website or phone call to a call centre.

The development of CPP is a response to advertiser demands for up-to-date information on the performance of campaigns running on Cheapflights, as the market for price comparison and meta search sites becomes more competitive.

Cheapflights’ commercial director Rob Passmore said: “Whilst PPC [pay-per-click] was a huge advance in online travel advertising accountability, the CPP goes much further and now provides greater transparency for our partners in terms of how the Cheapflights products are delivering for them.

“Thus this new programme has enabled our hundreds of advertising partners to obtain data on the individual performance of all the deals advertised by them on Cheapflights.”

Traditionally, advertisers using Cheapflights to offload airfares were forced to wait for several days to receive feedback as to the performance of particular offers.