Change to customer transactions will reduce fraud and offer greater security online
Vertical Travel Group completes move to secure two-factor payments authentication
Vertical Travel Group has announced it now only transacts customer card payments using 3D Secure 2 (two-factor authentication), designed to reduce fraud and provide added security for online payments.
It said customer payments are now all taken via VSL Pay, developed by sister technology brand Vertical Systems.
A unique payment link is sent to a customer, allowing them to make a payment without any card data being exposed to the travel agent.
Chris North, Vertical Systems managing director, said: “Our pay-by-link solution is becoming more and more popular with our travel partners.
“Traditional telephone payments do not include 3DS2, resulting in the travel agency bearing a substantial financial risk.
“VSL Pay-By-Link not only includes 3DS2 but also allows the agent to make transactions 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, without the need to be at their desk.”
Peter Healey, Vertical Travel Group chief executive (pictured), added: “The VSL pay-by-link solution has changed my group of businesses and considerably reduced my risk.
“To date we have transacted many millions in customer payments and are yet to have a customer complete a successful chargeback.
“My homeworkers need a flexible way of working and they can now take payments day or night and even on their days off.
“People are no longer comfortable giving their card number over the telephone and pay-by-link gives both our customers and agents a far more professional, protected experience.”