Marketing start-up The Content Gym wants thousands of holidaymakers to support #iwtgoh
‘I want to go on holiday’ social campaign aims for ‘wall of sound’ message to government
Start-up digital marketing company The Content Gym hopes to create an online ‘wall of sound’ in a new social campaign for people who ‘want to go on holiday’.
With details of the UK’s traffic lights system for restarting overseas travel set to be unveiled, the firm will encourage thousands of holidaymakers to ensure their voices are heard.
Using the hashtag #iwtgoh, the campaign will tap into social networks Facebook and Instagram to get people to upload posts, videos and photos with the message.
These will then be collated using an automated social content harvesting and posted on creating a ‘wall of sound’ plea from holidaymakers.
Content Gym managing Director Paul Edwards said: “We know that huge numbers of people would like to travel overseas for a holiday this year.
“We wanted to provide a collective voice to let the government know the strength of holidaymakers’ feelings ahead of the announcement of the traffic light restrictions on April 12 and beyond.
“We thought a ‘wall of sound’ social media campaign would bring the sentiment together in a high impact way”.
Edwards added: “This is not a political protest, but just a reminder to the government that lots of the UK population who have made enormous sacrifices during lock down to protect the NHS and save lives, now want a vaccine dividend, in the form of an overseas holiday this summer”.
Steve Endacott, chairman of The Content gym, said “As an industry we struggle to talk with one voice and be heard by the UK government.
“It will be fascinating to see if this campaign can go viral and a create the united, clear message to encourage the government to open up more ‘green’ destinations, where five to ten days quarantine is not required”.
The Content Gym will also encourage the travel sector to take a lead in posting their own videos and spreading the social hype for the ‘I want to go on holiday’ campaign.
Videos and photos can be submitted on Instagram using #iwtgoh or on Facebook by visiting the ‘I want to go on holiday’ page.