Guest Post: Navigating cart abandonment in hospitality

Guest Post: Navigating cart abandonment in hospitality

Patryk Luszcz, regional director of Profitroom, details how to find a way through to prevail

With hoteliers' operations ramping up and consumer confidence soaring, hoteliers are now looking for strategies to maximise their revenue and booking levels.

While robust booking habits are clear, the biggest threat to the continuation of hotelier’s success is not focusing on technology. 

Given that 90%* of holidaymakers do not complete their bookings, cart abandonment tools are critical to turning left carts into revenue opportunities.

For potential guests, the major pain points driving them away from finalising a reservation stem from drawn-out booking processes, sluggish website speeds and unclear prices.

Using technology to our advantage and alleviating the pressure on both hoteliers and holidaymakers is essential for ensuring a faultless booking experience and maintaining guest loyalty.

Here are some easy, actionable tips for implementing technology to combat cart abandonment: 

Optimising user experience (UX): With 17% of people faulting an over-complicated checkout process as a top reason to abandon online carts*, it’s clear that streamlining the booking process is key to a better user experience. 

Through technological advances, hoteliers can implement simple, user-friendly interfaces, smart navigation tools and clear, understandable calls to action across their entire site to aid in reducing friction across the booking journey. 

Implementing dynamic pricing models: Implementing a dynamic pricing model allows hoteliers to take advantage of increased demand at peak times or draw in new customers to their site during off-peak periods. 

With 18% of online shoppers being more likely to add to their cart simply to compare prices*, optimising hotelier prices to compete with the market leader is key to getting more direct bookings over the line. 

Perfect personalisation: Personalising the user experience can often seem like it requires a lot of manpower, but with technology, hoteliers can automate this process and reap the reward without pressing a button.

There are tools available that can tailor the booking experience for each use. For example; targeted deals for couples on a romantic getaway or a ‘kids eat free’ offer for families, to enhance engagement and reduce cart abandonment. 

Enhancing communication channels: Establishing clear communication channels is essential. Real-time chat support for any consumer questions during the booking process, as well as proactive email campaigns and social media engagement, can address concerns, build trust, and encourage potential guests to take the plunge and bo

Investing in Security and Transparency: Research shows that almost 20% of online shoppers will abandon their purchase if they have safety or security concerns regarding the website*. Hoteliers can alleviate these concerns by using secure payment gateways and displaying trust badges clearly on hotel websites. 

With cart abandonment so prevalent, hoteliers must embrace technology, to turn hurdles into conversion opportunities.

Being successful with this relies on the ability to pivot, adapt, and meet the evolving needs of the modern traveller with a resilient mindset and a commitment to customer-centric strategies.