Firm to create tools to simplify day-to-day property management outlines home rental sector expansion plans has outlined ambitions to further move into the home rental sector.
New tools and product improvements are being created to simplify day-to-day management and help professional short-term rental partners welcome more guests.
The move came as the company revealed that 43% of travellers planned to stay in a new type of accommodation this year.
Company research disclosed that seven guests per second on average are checking into a home, apartment or unique place to stay. aims to drive new business opportunities by showcasing the benefits of each of the more than six million homes, apartments and unique places to stay across 148,000 destinations on the platform.
Olivier Gremillon, vice president of global segments – overseeing’s homes and apartments division as well as hotel chain partnerships and strategic segments – said: “We have engaged in active conversation with our short-term rental partners to identify ways the short-term rental industry can continue to respond to increasing traveller expectations and an ever-growing appetite for exploration.
“This meaningful dialogue has not only strengthened our relationships and partnerships with the short-term rental industry, but is actually helping to push the industry forward, as we see our partners’ input helping to shape the future of travel.
“Particularly as homes, apartments and other unique places to stay continue to grow faster as a category than traditional segments, it is exciting to look ahead to see what is next in our partnership, as there is so much potential to grow together.”