BD4 to cease operations after dnata Travel strategic and commercial review

BD4 to cease operations after dnata Travel strategic and commercial review

The dnata Travel-owned AI personalisation e-commerce specialist vows to minimise impact on staff and client with gradual close down

Travel e-commerce intelligence specialist BD4 is to be closed down, it has been announced.

Emirates Group division dnata Travel, which acquired a majority stake in 2018, and the founders of BD4 released a joint statement confirming the decision today.

It is understood that options including finding a new owner had been explored due to current challenging trading conditions following the impact of the COVID pandemic.

However, the decision to close down BD4 came after a “thorough strategic and commercial review” and an assessment of “future direction and growth prospects”.

Specific timings are still to be finalised but the Germany-based business, which employs around 50 people, is not bankrupt and will enter a transition period of working insolvency. 

“BD4 will gradually cease operations and services. During the transition period, the company will prioritise the interest of its employees and partners,” the statement said.

“BD4 will provide all possible support to affected team members, and work closely with its customers and suppliers to ensure a smooth transition and minimise any impact on their businesses. 

“The company will strictly comply with all applicable regulations and fulfil all of its legal and contractual obligations.”

BD4 was founded as BD4travel a decade ago by former GDS executives Andy Owen-Jones and Melanie Sickenberger  and won widespread acclaim for its AI-powered technology.

Its solutions were developed to enable clients to personalise their customers’ shopping experiences in real-time and recommend the most relevant products, services and content. 

“BD4 would like to thank its staff and customers for their support during these years,” the statement said. 

Owen-Jones was due to speak on behalf of BD4 at this month’s Travolution Summit in London alongside retail customer Marks & Spencer. That session will now be replaced.